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A major report examining the impact of Cultural Enterprise Office has now been published.

For more than a decade, Cultural Enterprise Office has sustained a growing contribution to the evolving creative economy.

CEO helps creative micro-businesses and practitioners to learn more about sound business principles and build the skills and knowledge they need to succeed. It helps clients through all stages of their business journey, by providing tailored information and advice, as well as events, workshops, training and networking opportunities.

At a time of change for the sector and ourselves, CEO commissioned Social Value Lab to conduct impact research into the difference made to creative businesses and individuals supported.

For the first time, the report has uncovered the real impact of CEO on:

  • strengthening creative practice
  • fostering entrepreneurial capacity
  • developing financial resilience
  • increasing turnover and creating employment

The evidence suggests that CEO has considerable strengths to build on and the opportunity to reshape services to deliver an even greater impact across the creative economy.

The report represents the first in a series of annual Impact Reports to track the performance and impact of CEO.

You can read a full version of the first CEO Impact Report here.

For further information on Social Value Lab’s research in the creative sector call Jonathan Coburn, Director, on 07786 735 395 or

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