Social Value Lab is an agency with a difference.
Our vision is to create a better world for people and planet where social and economic change is driven by evidence-based decision making.
We describe ourselves as a Lab, not the white coats and test tubes variety, but still a place where rigorous research occurs.
We bring with us:
- A passion for social change; using evidence to make the world a better place.
- A commitment to social enterprise, that is developing more enterprising and sustainable services.
- A focus on outcomes; planning them, measuring them, valuing them, delivering them.
Our people have academic and field experience to bring added value to the work we deliver for you. We have many years of delivering the kind of support you need.
Our structure
We set up Social Value Lab as a social-purpose business; part-owned by employees, part-owned by leading charity CEiS. We are not hung up on structure, and this one works for us.
We are lean and flexible with a small core team and an extended ‘family’ of associates (researchers, social business advisors, service designers, sector specialists) that we can draw on.
How we work
We want to make a difference in everything we do.
We only take on assignments that are of value, and where we can add value. Sometimes we respond to tenders and deliver as consultants, sometimes we develop new programmes and deliver in partnership with other specialists.
Our approach is collaborative. We tend to work with rather than for others. This provides the basis for long-term, constructive, and supportive relationships.
We combine rigorous analysis with clear communication. We present evidence in a simple, accurate, and compelling way.
We are committed to delivering excellent work and to acting in an ethically and socially responsible way.