A variety of factors have come together to shift corporate social responsibility from an optional extra to a more widespread and authentic expression of company values.

Great companies recognise the challenges facing society and want to be part of the solution. They demonstrate ethical leadership in their marketplace. They seek to maximise social value, extending their positive contribution to local communities and throughout their supply chain.

Social Value Lab can help companies to stand out in their market, retain the trust of consumers, and demonstrate their total contribution to society. We provide research and advisory services, including:

  • Diagnostics and opportunity scanning, helping to find new ways to extend and deepen the contribution that a company can make.
  • Foresight on emerging issues, trends and practices – particularly in relation to public sector markets and community investment.
  • Brokerage services, to bring on board community partners that will help achieve greater reach and impact on communities.
  • Support in bidding for public contracts, designing responses to social clauses in tenders and managing Community Benefits Programmes in contracts.
  • Measuring and reporting on non-financial matters, bringing particular expertise in the measurement of economic and social impact.

Please note, as a mission-driven company we only partner and support businesses that share our commitment to a just and sustainable society.

As a think tank as well as advisory firm, we demonstrate thought leadership on a range of important issues.

Get in touch to find out more about our support to responsible companies.