The Brief
Our evaluation findings provided CAS with insights into the utilisation of WRM grants, showcasing the impact of funding on service delivery.
What we were asked to do:
Funded by the Scottish Government, Citizens Advice Scotland (CAS) has delivered Welfare Reform Mitigation (WRM) services since 2013 which aim to reduce the impact of UK welfare reforms and Universal Credit within Scotland. CAS wanted to assess the evolving WRM service-delivery models across Scotland to understand how to improve their service delivery within Citizen Advice Bureaux’s (CAB’s). The research also considered how CAB responded to the Covid-19 pandemic and sought to identify best practices moving froward form the pandemic.
The research focussed on the work of six of the fifty-nine Scottish CABs. To carry out case studies, we worked closely with each CAB branch to gain an in-depth understanding of local approaches. Research consisted of several semi-structured interviews with; branch managers, front-line staff members and volunteers involved in the delivery of the WMR service, and representatives of other statutory and/or third sector service providers in the area.
These insights enabled CAS to make informed, evidence-based decisions for future service delivery. Our research has indicated a significant improvement in CAS services resulting from the additional funding from the Scottish Government, underscoring the importance of securing extra funding to meet anticipated future demand. *Our report presented CAS with a compelling case to present to prospective funders.