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Public authorities are under increasing pressure to achieve more for less. But how can you maximise social value (the value of economic, social and environmental outcomes) without adding to cost?

Our recent research report on the views and practices of public sector commissioners/buyers as they attempt to maximise social value can be downloaded here.

There is also a range of free support that Social Value Lab can offer as part of the Scottish Government’s Developing Markets for Third Sector Providers programme…

  • Partners for Change is a new initiative to help you build better relationships with the Third Sector and secure added value from these relationships. Find out more here.
  • Free training events are now being delivered on Social Value in Commissioning and Social Impact Measurement. Limited places are still available.
  • Help is also at hand. We may be able to offer free consultancy support in issues relating to outcomes planning and social impact measurement. Find out more here.

For further enquiries about the support available to Scotland’s public sector you can contact Jonathan Coburn, Director at Social Value Lab, at

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