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In association with partners Morrow Gilchrist Associates and Creation Ltd, the team at the Lab will work on the design of a new social investment fund for Northern Ireland that will support the development of ethical asset investments (land, buildings, energy, etc.).

The study will involve a number of steps on the ‘journey’ towards establishing a fund, including:

  • identifying and prioritising potential ethical property investment opportunities, around specific regeneration sites;
  • consideration of a consortium of initial potential partners from the public, third, and private sectors – all bound by a common goal of seeking a return with a positive ethical impact;
  • modelling indicative returns on a triple-bottom line basis (accounting for financial, social, and regeneration returns); and

  • designing the mechanics of how the fund might be structured and organised, taking into account legal and taxation constraints and regulatory compliance issues.

Commissioned by the Community Foundation for NI (CFNI), the Department for Social Development (DSD) and Belfast City Council (BCC), the project will develop an operational ‘blueprint’ for the fund; one that is agreed, workable and deliverable.

For further information on the project contact Jonathan Coburn at

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