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Today sees the official launch of the Enterprise Ready Fund, a flagship fund which will help to grow and sustain social enterprise activity in Scotland.

The fund will be managed on behalf of the Scottish Government by a consortium of third sector organisations led by Foundation Scotland and including CEiS, DSL, and Social Value Lab.

Social Value Lab is pleased to again be playing the role of ‘Impact Manager’ in this, another high profile social enterprise funding programme. Our role will involve the design of the social impact framework for the fund, impact measurement support to investees, and the analysis of aggregate fund impact.

The Enterprise Ready Fund will distribute £6 million during 2013 – 2015 and builds on a number of current strategic contracts and initiatives that the Scottish Government has in place, to continue to support a sustainable, capable and enterprising third sector.

The Fund will provide awards up to £250,000 to support the long-term development objectives of emerging and established enterprising social enterprises. Priority will also be given to activities that contribute towards the Scottish Government’s Prevention and Welfare Reform agendas.

Speaking about the launch of the fund, John Swinney Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Employment and Sustainable Growth stated:

“Social enterprises, voluntary organisations and community organisations play an important part in Scottish society. They can deliver superb services, from creating employment opportunities to connecting with the most vulnerable people in our society. By investing in the third sector and enhancing its self-sufficiency, we can look forward to a future where these organisations play a full role in public sector reform, prevention and the mitigation of the impact of the UK Government’s welfare reforms.”

Furthered detailed information on applying to the Enterprise Ready Fund can be found here.

To discuss your impact measurement needs contact Rick Rijsdijk at


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